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Professor Eddie Rose

An entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, former law enforcement officer & detective, martial arts innovator & instructor, spiritual teacher and adventurer, Eddies philosophy of "application is everything" is the cornerstone to his success.

His fervent passion is to share his insight and strategy with others and to illustrate by his experiences how to apply it to their own challenges and endeavours.

Who is Professor Eddie Rose?

Professor Eddie Rose, the President and Founder of Tora Hana Training Company, ToraHana-Ryu (Tiger Flower School) and Rose Ministries is a Former Law Enforcement Officer/Detective, Former Private Investigator & Detective Agency Owner, and currently a Doctor of Metaphysics, Self-Development Specialist, a World-Class Martial Arts Grandmaster Instructor & Innovator, and a dynamic International Lecturer.

Professor Rose has over 40 years of Martial Arts experience, over 30 years of combined Law Enforcement & Security/Protection experience, and has been coaching, teaching, and public speaking for over 32 years. Professor Rose has coached, trained and spoken in public to thousands of people both nationally and internationally.



How the story began:

As a teenager Eddie Rose had some major set backs. Besides the normal teenage problems, he got involved in a crime gang and ultimately was arrested for his contribution in possibly one of the largest commercial burglary sprees in history of the city he grew up in. He was convicted as a juvenile felon, sentenced to "juvenile life" but was given a suspended sentence as a second chance to correct his ways. Eddie Rose made good with that second chance and started the road of passionately pursuing his dreams.


Professor Eddie Rose has excelled in the martial arts, law enforcement, coaching & mentoring at-risk youth, and received hundreds of local, national and international accolades, awards, and commendations, which include the 2010 International Hall of Fame Induction of Grandmaster Instructor of the Year.


Professor Eddie Rose has not only been recognized for his excellence in the martial arts, having been inducted in International Martial Arts/Black Belt Hall Of Fames for an unprecedented 9 times, but he has also been commended and recognized by city, county, state and federal government offices for his protection expertise and social contributions.


Above all else Professor Eddie Rose has walked an amazing spiritual path, having been mentored and taught by some incredible martial and spiritual "gurus" & "masters" in their own right.


Eddie Rose has seen and experienced miracle after miracle on this path, and he is recognized by his students and former clientele as a gifted spiritual healer and teacher.


Professor Rose has a distinctive synergy of experience & training that gives him an exclusive style and expertise that makes him the perfect choice not only for your training, coaching and healing needs, but also your public speaking requirements.

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