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Professor Eddie Rose  PhD, DD, CHT,CM, RMT

Professor Eddie Rose, Grandmaster of the Internationally Recognized “Tiger Flower School” (ToraHana-Ryu) is also an Ordained Minister, Certified Spiritual Healer, & Metaphysician who has been studying spirituality, holistic healing, self-development, and states of consciousness for almost 4 decades. Professor Eddie has his Doctorate in the Philosophy of Metaphysics and is a chartered member of the World Metaphysical Association.


Professor Eddie has integrated his years of progressive study of human/spiritual development into the various services and rituals (which are certified as Physio-Spiritual MassageTM Rituals) that he offers, which gives them a distinctive synergy and exclusive style that makes each of them extremely unique and effective.

Though Professor Eddies training and study is extensive, he administers a small number of alternative healing/self-development modalities from a spiritual/energetic perspective, in contrast to the more common clinical/therapeutic perspective.


Professor Eddie is ordained and authorized by The Universal Light Church Inc., based in Cincinnati Ohio, to perform the functions, rituals and services he provides to help and serve others. All Services and Rituals are spiritual in nature, and performed as a duly ordained minister.


This work is protected by the United States Constitution, specifically the 1st and 14th Amendments. The Physio-Spiritual Massage Ritual is a trade-marked registered ritual certification that is exclusive to The Universal Light Church, and is advocated by that 501c3 tax exempt organization as a religious ritual service.

Disclaimer of Medical Liability

The content on this website is offered as information and for educational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Professor Rose and the Tiger Flower School does not offer or give medical advice. We do not provide medical or diagnostic services. Instead, the content is intended to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your physician. You should not act upon this information without seeking professional advice and counsel.

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